Benson Duong

Data Science major at UC San Diego

Interests in Data Science, Python Programming, Machine Learning.

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Using Python to Graph 3D Vector Calculus Objects in Blender 3D

– Personal project for graphing mathematical objects from vector and multivariable calculus on Blender 3D’s built-in python script feature.

You will need Blender installed. This script was written in the 2.79 version. It should work for the current 2.8 version. Paste the code onto Blender’s script mode.

Since Blender is 3D, this software can only support mathemtical objects up to 3 dimensions. Blector can support the following classes:

Rules for string representation of functions:

Rules for graphing:

All created math class objects must be called by the function “make” after creating the object, which is how its information will be graphed visually onto Blender.

- Graphing multivariable functions (MVF):

Write the function as a string, where “@” is for x, “!” is for y. MVF can only support 2 variables, so z is not possible. Example code: # graphing the function f(x, y) = y^2 - x^2

mvf_obj = MVF("((!)**(2))-((@)**(2))")

- Graphing Paths (Rt):

(Supplemental Class: Vector, Point) Create the Point object for the origin or base point, and the Vector for the direction vector. Example code: # graphing R(t) = (-10, -1, -8) + <0, -2, -2>

rt_obj = Rt(Point([-10, -1, -8]), Vector([0, -2,-2]))

Rt can be used to graph vectors in general. To do this, make the Point the origin, and set optional argument asVector to True when creating the object. Example code: # graphing the vector <-4, -4, 8>

rt_obj = Rt(Point([0, 0, 0]), Vector([-4, -4, 8]), asVector = True)

- Graphing Vector-valued functions (vvf):

(Supplemental Class: CoordFunc) Write a list of CoordFunc objects that are all in terms of “@” (which will be the “t” in regular vector valued functions). The list must have length 3. If you do not want to have a 3rd component, use the placeholder CoordFunc(“0”) for the 3rd item. The vvf class by itself is usually for 1 variable (t or “@”) in its components. For vector-valued functions with multivariable coordfuncs, see Gradient and Vector_Field. Example code: graphing r(t) = <-cos(t - 2), sin(2t)> (or -cos(t -2)i + sin(2t)j)

vvf_obj = vvf([CoordFunc("-math.cos(@ - 2)"), CoordFunc("math.sin(2*@)"), CoordFunc("0")])

- Graphing Gradients (Gradient):

(Supplemental Class: vvf, MVF, Point) You will need the original multi variable function as mvf, and then the derivative of the MVF as a vvf, and a point to signify the base point for the gradient vector You can also avoid implementing the basepoint in the initial creation, and install it later with the function gradpoint, but do so before calling make(). T The result is a vector on the MVF, pointing towards the direction of steepest ascent. Example code: Graphing gradient of f(x, y) = y^2 - x^2 at (0, -2)

mvf_obj = MVF("((!)**(2))-((@)**(2))")
derivative = [CoordFunc("(@)*2*(-1)"), CoordFunc("(!)*2"), CoordFunc("0")]
grad_obj = Gradient(derivative, mvf_obj);
grad_obj .gradpoint(Point([0, -2]))
# gradField(grad_obj)

- Graphing Vector Fields (Vector_Field)

(Supplemental Class: vvf) Create a vvf withe the multivariable CoordFuncs, then create the Vector FIeld object with it Example code: graphing F = <-xy, y, 0>

vvf_obj = vvf([CoordFunc("-@*!"), CoordFunc("!"), CoordFunc("0")])
vector_field_obj = Vector_Field(vvf_obj)

- Graphing Planes (Plane):

(Supplemental Class: Equation, Vector, Point) There are 2 ways to create the Plane class: A) With a plane equation in the format of ax + by + cz = d (Recommended) Write a list of 4 real numbers. This is basically the [a, b, c, d] from a plane’s standard form of ax + by + cz = d. Initialize the Equation class with it. Example code: # graphing 2x + 3y + 4z = 8

eq = Equation([2, 3, 4, 8])
plane_obj = Plane(eq)

B) With the normal vector and a point Write the normal vector and the base point Example code: # normal vector is <2, 3, 1> and point is (1, 2, 3)

plane_obj = Plane(Vector([2, 3, 1]), Point([1, 2, 3]))

Supplemental Classes:

Example Images