Benson Duong

Data Science major at UC San Diego

Interests in Data Science, Python Programming, Machine Learning.

View My GitHub Profile


Hello, I am Benson Duong, a Data Science student at the University of California, San Diego, learning about the fields of data science, programming, analysis, statistics, and machine learning.

Data Science Project Portfolio

- Industry Research Capstone Project (Fall 2022 - Winter 2023)

Industry Research Capstone Project

Restaurant ML Recommender (Fall 2022 - Winter 2023)

Restaurant Recommendation Data Science Project

NYC Traffic Prediction App (Fall 2021 - Fall 2022)

NYC Traffic Data Science Project

- Airbnb Price Prediction with ArcGIS (Winter 2023)

Airbnb Price Prediction with ArcGIS

- Image ML Auto-Captioner (Fall 2022)

Image ML Auto-Captioner PyTorch Project with PyTorch

- Pyspark Text-based Customer Satisfaction Data Engineering Project (Winter 2022)

Pyspark Text-based Customer Satisfaction Data Engineering Project

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